Flourishing Under New Owners

Over the years, Leuty’s store saw several notable owners, each leaving their mark. In 1896, Henry Frank bought the property, transforming it into a bustling retail hub. By 1898, the Huron Times lauded his impressive assortment and stock, hinting at a thriving business. In 1899, the store changed hands to Wagner and Mihlethaler, becoming the Mihlethaler Company Store until 1914. Charles Engle then took over, modernizing and renaming it the Port Hope Mercantile Company. The Harbor Beach Times praised its metropolitan appearance and new conveniences under Engle's attentive management.

Curious about more Port Hope history? Visit our store to grab your copy of "Portrait of a Village: Port Hope, Huron County, Michigan" by Dean Smith and Jim Hunter, co-written with Deborah Roberti.

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The Mysterious Fire


The Beginning of Our Store’s Legacy